Learning Embrace Yourself

Well, well.... it has been months for not blog anything. Work and life has always been very busy, hectic and tiring. I even work overnight, burning the mid night oil in office for a month and when I flashed back, gosh, that was really crazy and insane.

Now, I don't think things have been solved or settled down yet, but the work flow has certainly improved though there's still a huge space for improvement. Anyway, that was my short blurb for my long MIA.

All these MIA months I've been struggling a lot to reach a balance point between work and life, it is always something that I'm fighting for. For me, I worked hard and I will make sure I play real, real hard later on. Doesn't matter if  you have to work and busy as a bee, but the outcomes are what make you feel happy and satisfied.

Learning mbrace yourself is what I want to share. For me I don't have much close friends who stay near me and even if yes, it would take hours drive to meet each other and my work schedule will be the number one reason not allow me to do so. Thus, I've decided to have more hobbies, exercises, personal activities and get involved with some charity work, trust me, I do enjoy each of them a lot.

To love yourself doesn't always mean you have to spend tons of money to pamper yourself, simply enjoy yourself with some special events/moments. For example, hubby and I participate in donation for children with autism, although it took almost my whole Saturday, deep in my heart I'm so glad that my little helping hands and small amount of money put onto the right place -satisfaction. See the cross stitch in photo, is one of our purchase from the meaningful event.

Secondly, if you like me, get involve into more sports activities, just beware not to over stress your body and muscle to prevent injury. If you've read my previous posts, you might already know I'm so attracted with the Curves workout for women, it is a wonderful place, just 30mins and I burned so many calories, my highest record for my mere 30mins workout is 611calories!  I also enjoying Zumba class, very fun and entertaining. Recently I joined another workout class - Piloxing. This one is so challenging, it is a combination of dance, pilate and boxing. OMG, my muscles screaming for help! But it was so, so challenging and I learn - always believe you can do it, just keep holding on!

Thirdly, listen to your body and give what it needs. We all have those moments when we feel extremely down, lethargic, emo, etc. We are only human and is normal to give yourself a break and please don't feel guilty right after that. Stress from work and not able to get a day off, try to read some happy book, happy quotes, encouraging words, it helps and it works for me. Craving for a lil personal space/time? Sometimes is ok to turn down some invitations hanging out with friends. Just be sure to cherish and enjoy those personal space/time because it will really help to energize the entire you. Eat well and rest well.

Fourthly, no one is perfect and those imperfections are the keys that make who we are and how special we are. Work out where you shine, everyone has their specialties, and get flourished from there. Eg, I'm not good in doing things tidily, and never, ever expect me to draft/draw things in a very neat way. However, I can do things fast and keep things work on track and I think, I'm pretty good in time management especially IF I've my MUST DO  to do list to accomplish.  So, be patient and enjoy the whole process, we wouldn't know what we really good at until we spend time and practice it.

Lastly, there are amazing ways for you to embrace yourself, tips mentioned above are just what I think that really helps me. Remember, love yourself then only you can learn to embrace yourself. Is a journey that will guide and help you through challenges and hardships, just enjoy it and give yourself the time to grow gracefully.

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